German A2 Exam
German A2 Exam
At GermanwithAmit, we specialize in German language instruction and comprehensive exam preparation. However, it’s important to note that we are not authorized to directly schedule or register candidates for language exams. If you’re looking to take a German language exam, we recommend reaching out to esteemed organizations like the Goethe-Institut or ÖSD. They can provide you with the necessary information and guidance to book your German language exam.
Free material to prepare for the A1 exam
TELC A2 exam set of model exercises (free)
On the TELC website you will find free model exercises for the A2 exam.
Goethe-Zertifikat A2 set of model exercises (free)
On the Goethe Institute website you will find free model exercises for the A2 exam.
ÖSD set of model exercises(free)
On the ÖSD website you will find free model exercises for the A2 exam.
Information about the A2 certificate
READING (30 minutes)
Part 1 =Â You will read an article from a newspaper. Choose the right answer: a, b, or c.
Part 2 = You will read a text. Choose the right answer: a, b, or c.
Part 3 = You will read an e-mail. Choose the right answer: a, b, or c.
Part 4 = Six people are looking for something. Read the tasks and the ads a to f. Which ad fits which person?
LISTENING (30 minutes)
Part 1 = Mark with a cross: a, b, or c. You will hear each text twice.
Part 2 = You will hear a conversation. You will hear the text once. For the tasks that follow, choose a fitting image from the selcetion of a to i.
Part 3 = Mark with a cross: a, b, or c. You will hear each text twice.
Part 4 = You will hear an interview. You will hear each text twice. Select Yes or No.
WRITING (30 minutes)
Part 1 = You write a text message.
Part 2 = You will write an e-mail.
SPEAKING (15 minutes)
Part 1 = You will plan something with your partner.Teil 2You will say a few things about yourself and your life.
Part 3 = You will speak about your topic and your partner’s topic.