A1 German Exam
You can understand and use everyday expressions and simple phrases. You can write simple personal letters, postcards, and e-mails.
A2 German Exam
You have elementary language skills to cope with everyday situations. You can use the language flexibly and effectively in your social life, work environment, and studies.
B1 German Exam
You can understand the main points when clear standard language is used and when it is about familiar things from work, school, leisure, etc.
B2 German Exam
You are capable of spontaneous and fluent communication, expressing yourself clearly and in detail on a wide array of topics, including discussions. You can effectively evaluate and compare different arguments.
C1 German Exam
C1 level is considered an advanced proficiency and allows you to communicate effectively in German in a variety of settings, including academic, professional and social. German C1 is the fifth level on the proficiency scale of the CEFR.
C2 German Exam
C2 the mastery level German language course offered by German with Amit. The German C2 level, often referred to as “proficient” or “mastery,” is the highest level of language proficiency in the CEFR scale.