C1.1 German Course
HomeC1.1 German Course
C1 German
C1 level is considered an advanced proficiency and allows you to communicate effectively in German in a variety of settings, including academic, professional and social. German C1 is the fifth level on the proficiency scale of the CEFR.
At C1 level you should be able to:
- Comprehend a variety of challenging longer texts and identify hidden meanings.
- Express yourself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious expression searching.
- Use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes.
- Write clear, well-structured and detailed text on complex topics
Course Fees & Benefits:
The course fees for the entire C1 Level German Language Course is ₹25,999.
Course Structure:
- My 10-Week C1 course takes you to German fluency.Â
- Each week, Mon-Thu, we tackle one chapter, with Fridays for review and practice.Â
- In the final 4-5 weeks, we focus on GOETHE EXAM TRAINING.Â
4. This 120-hour program has 100 hours of guided classes and 20 hours for independent study, getting you ready to master German.
C1 Grammer
- Konnektoren (andernfalls, folglich, ausser und wenn)
- Trenn und untrennbare Verben
- Moeglichkeiten der Redewiedergabe
- Nominal und Verbalstil
- Subjekt und Objektsaetze
- Weiterfuehrende Saetze
- Nominalisierung und Verbalisierung von Temporalsaetzen, kausal und Modalsaetzen
- Negative konsekutivsaetze mit zu und mit zu / als dass
- Infinitivsaetze in Gegenwart und Vergangenheit
- Nominalisierung und Verbalisierung von Konzessiv und Finalsaetzen und Konditionalsaetzen
- Besonderheiten des Passivs
- Modales Partizip
- Subjektive Bedeutung der Modalverben
- Nominalisierung und Verbalisierung von Praepositionalergaenzungen
- Konnektoren (allerdings, mittlerweile und vielmehr)
- Besonderheiten von Konditionalsaetzen
- Modalitaetsverben
- Â
C1 Online Excercises: