You are capable of spontaneous and fluent communication, expressing yourself clearly and in detail on a wide array of topics, including discussions. You can effectively evaluate and compare different arguments.
Course Fees & Benefits
The course fees for the entire B2.1 Level German Language Course is ₹19,999.
Course Structure:
1. My 7-Week B2.1 course takes you to German fluency. 2. After every chapter, there would be one test 3. This 90-hour program has 70 hours of guided classes and 20 hours for independent study, getting you ready to master German.
Evaluation of the Course:
Students will be evaluated on a weekly basis and receive feedback in class. They will also do memory exercises to improve vocabulary and have regular tests for reviewing and revising.
B2.1 Grammer Topics:
 Perfect tense (Perfekt)
 Past tense (Präteritum)
 Past perfect (Plusquamperfekt)
 Subjunctive II (Konjunktiv II)
 Separable and inseparable verbs
 Excursus on imperative
 Excursus on Subjunctive II (Konjunktiv II)
 Comparison of adjectives
 Clauses of reason, concession, and result
 The infinitive with and without “zu”
 Verbs with prepositions
 Reflexive Verbs
 Excursus on passive
 Passiversatzformen (passive forms)
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