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B1 German Course

HomeB1 German Course

B1 German

You can understand and use everyday expressions and simple phrases. You can write simple personal letters, postcards, and e-mails

What will I learn in German B1 level?

According to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), B1 is an intermediate level of German. At this stage, learners can understand and use common everyday phrases and basic sentences related to daily life. They can introduce themselves, ask and answer questions about personal information like where they live, their friends, and their belongings. Communication is easier if the other person speaks slowly, clearly, and is willing to help.

You can understand the main points when clear standard language is used and when it is about familiar things from work, school, leisure, etc.

After this course you will be:

  1. You will have a solid understanding of intermediate German language skills.
  2. Your vocabulary and grammar will be significantly improved.
  3. You will be able to read and understand more complex texts in German.
  4. You’ll gain the confidence to participate in discussions and express your thoughts in the language.
  5. You’ll be better equipped for work or study opportunities that require B1-level German proficiency.   

Course Fees & Benefits:

The course fees for the entire B1 Level German Language Course is ₹17,999.

Course Structure:

ready to master German.

My 8-Week B1 course takes you to German fluency.In the final 2 weeks, we focus on GOETHE EXAM TRAINING.This 100-hour program has 80 hours of guided classes and 20 hours for independent study, getting youEach week, Mon-Thu, we tackle one chapter, with Fridays for review and practice.

Evaluation of the Course:

Students will be evaluated on a weekly basis and receive feedback in class. They will also do memory exercises to improve vocabulary and have regular tests for reviewing and revising.

B1 Grammar Topics:

  1. Infinitiv mit zu
  2. Nebensaetze mit da, weil, obwohl, damit, um…. zu, bevor, nachdem, bis, seit/seitdem, waehrend
  3. Verb lassen
  4. Folgen ausdruecken deshalb/deswegen/darum/daher, sodas/so…. Dass
  5. Genitiv
  6. Praepositionen wegen und trotz
  7. Praeteritum
  8. Zeitangaben: Praepostionen mit Dativ und Genitiv
  9. Konjunktiv II
  10. Irreale Bedingungssaetze mit Konjunktiv II
  11. Pronomen und Pronominaladverbien
  12. Verben mit Praepoition und Nebensatz
  13. Komparativ und Superlativ vor Nomen
  14. Futur I
  15. N-Deklination
  16. Relativsaetze im Dativ und mit Praeposition
  17. Plusquamperfekt
  18. Nicht/kein/nur + brauchen + zu + Infinitiv
  19. Reflexivpronomen im Akkusativ und Dativ
  20. Zweiteilige Konnektoren
  21. Stellung von nicht im Satz
  22. Adjektive ohne Artikel
  23. Passiv Praesens, Praeteritum und Perfekt, Passiv mit Modalverben
  24. Artikekwoerter als Pronomen, Irgendein/eine/welche
  25. Adjektive als Nomen
  26. Relativsaetze mit was und wo
  27. Saetze mit je….., desto/umso…..28. Partizip II als Adjektiv, Partizip I als Adjektiv
  1. My 9-Week B1 course takes you to German fluency.
  2. In the final 3 weeks, we focus on GOETHE EXAM TRAINING.
  3. This 110-hour program has 80 hours of guided classes and 20 hours for independent study, getting you.
  4. Each week, Mon-Thu, we tackle one chapter, with Fridays for review and practice.

Explore B1 Books, where we recommend books to enhance your B1 grammar skills.

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